Ruchika Rawan

Sep 5, 20221 min

Red Eye viral in Delhi

|The Den|

Red eye is a condition in which the appearance of the white portion of an eye seems red. The amount of redness on the white portion of the eyes varies from one person to another. The condition of red eyes can appear in one eye or both eyes. It is supposedly waterborne and was earlier widely recognized in South India but nowadays it's spreading rapidly in North India as well. It could last up to 15 to 20 days albeit it's not contagious.


It could be associated with several symptoms including dryness, a Watery eye, Possible swelling, burning, irritation, pain, or blurry vision. You also might face impaired vision to almost no vision after 3-4 days for a few days.


When it comes to the treatment of red eyes, you can take help of the following Medications which are commonly prescribed by the doctor -

1. Refresh Tears to reduce dryness

2. Moxicip, which is an antibiotic drop to treat an eye infection

3. Homicide to reduce redness and swelling

Although, it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking any medications.

Things to avoid To prevent red eyes from worsening;

  • Do not wear contact lenses until the red eye clears.

  • Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching the eyes, to prevent infection.

  • Wash clothes, pillowcases, and towels regularly.