Oct 29, 20221 min

Watch Video : Boy stabbed for protecting modesty of sister while returning home in Patel Nagar

New Delhi : A chilling incident was caught on camera on Friday night. A 17 year old boy, a student of ITI Pusa Road was stabbed to death for resisting eve-teasing of his sister.

The boy was returning from his computer class when 2 minors attack him. They can be seen fighting while one of them tries to jab him multiple times with a knife and is jabbed by the other boy in the back near the spinal cord.

The boy can be seen asking a nearby shopkeeper for help who refuses to help him. Dozens of people pass by and no one tries to help him while he collapses in front of a house. The owner sees him, opens the door and goes back inside deciding she doesn't want to help him.

Seeing incidents like these in a populated area, gives everyone a chill through their spine. Not only about the attackers but people passing by. It is usually said that you should not walk a lonely road as it might not be safe but what if the people in populated areas act astray don't see anyone stabbed and lying on the ground. This is not Delhi, not India and the people who refuse to help should be charged as well. As citizens, if they cannot understand their responsibility, they should not be allowed on the streets of this country. They should not be citizens but prisoners responsible for attempt on life of a brother trying to protect the modesty of his sister.